
If You're Responding to a Report of Misconduct

A "respondent" is a person accused of a violation who has entered the ACPHS judicial or conduct process.

If accused of a violation(s) of Sexual Assault, Sexual Harassment, Relationship Violence, Stalking and Misconduct Policies, you may be experiencing a mix of emotions and feelings. ACPHS encourages all responding individuals to seek out the support and guidance of either/both resources listed below.


Seeking out the support of a professional counselor from the Office of Counseling and Wellness may be beneficial in sorting through your emotions and obtaining the emotional and mental support you need.

The resources listed below are designated as 保密 and can share options and advice without any obligation to tell anyone unless you want them to unless there is imminent danger to self or others, or as otherwise required by law (e.g., mandatory reporting for sexual violence against minors, subpoena to report in court, etc.):

ACPHS Office of Counseling and Wellness
Gozzo Student Center, Suite 209
Phone: 518-694-7107 (M-F, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM)
电子邮件: CounselingServices@jaballebnanaljadeed.com


The 第九条 Coordinators are individuals who by law (第九条) have remedial authority to address sexual misconduct complaints on behalf of the institution. The 第九条 Coordinator will review options and resources of support and explain the rights of the responding individual. More detailed information in regards to the investigation and disciplinary procedures in cases of sexual assault, relationship violence, and stalking can be found in the 第九条文件.

For the purpose of this policy, the administrative officials highlighted on the sidebar (第九条 Coordinators) are designated to receive sexual misconduct complaints and, 如果合适的话, to investigate those complaints. 


As a respondent you have the right to the following …

  • To know your 第九条 rights, which include access to all available resources (i.e. counseling, medical services, legal/advocacy & 支持).
  • To be treated with respect by College administrators, faculty, and staff.
  • To be fully informed of the nature, 规则, and procedures of the campus conduct process and to timely written notice of all alleged violations within the complaint including the nature of the violation and possible sanctions.
  • To have College policies and procedures followed.
  • To not have irrelevant prior sexual history admitted as evidence in a campus investigation.
  • To request an advocate for support and assistance during the campus investigation process.
  • To petition that any member of the investigation team be removed on the basis of bias.
  • To a campus conduct outcome based solely on evidence presented during the conduct process. Such evidence shall be credible, relevant, based in fact, and without prejudice or bias.
  • To written notice of the outcome and sanction of the investigation.
  • To appeal the outcome and/or sanction at the conclusion of the investigation, in accordance with the standards for appeal established by the institution.
  • To be informed in advance, 在可能的情况下, of any public release of information regarding the complaint.
  • To be protected against retaliatory harassment.